MoonCat #22277

MoonCat #22277 (0x001a82a8f0)

This MoonCat has an identifier of 0x001a82a8f0. This hexadecimal number is a bit like DNA in that it contains compressed information about this MoonCat’s basic traits (color, facing, epression, pattern, and pose). Other traits have been gleaned by this MoonCat over time, as they and their human owner leave their mark on the blockchain.

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  • Rescue Order #22277
  • Identifier 0x001a82a8f0
  • Facing Left
  • Expression Grumpy
  • Coat SkyBlue Spotted
  • Pose Pouncing
  • Rescue Year 2021

This MoonCat doesn’t have a name yet. It’s owner can choose to give it a name. Once a MoonCat is named, it cannot be changed, and will be part of that MoonCat’s traits forever after.

This MoonCat was originally rescued by 0xa29A26...0686D7, but currently is in the NFTX MOONCAT pool; you can adopt them right now!

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This MoonCat’s litter (MoonCats who share the exact same skyBlue color (in the 219° hue range) and pattern) has 3 MoonCats in it:





(This MoonCat)