
The MoonCatRescue project has grown a bunch since it launched in 2017 (more information about the project overall over here), and the current team of maintainers continues to raise awareness about the project, educate newcomers about NFTs in general, and coordinate added utility to the MoonCat ecosystem projects.

If you’d like to see this project continue to grow and evolve, there’s many ways you can chip in funds, skills, and/or social awareness that would be greatly appreciated!

The trend in the NFT space has been away from giving NFT collection owners a royalty fee off of each sale of NFTs in their collection, and the MoonCatRescue team has seen that even when marketplaces do give royalties to collection owners, that revenue stream can be very unpredictable. The MoonCatRescue project is unlike many other NFT projects in that the initial launch did not earn the creators a large nest egg to work from. The initial profit-making aspect for the team (adoption costs of Genesis MoonCats) ended up not happening due to a bug in the contract, but the original creators let the project continue. No MoonCats in the collection were “set aside” for the creators to profit from later. The current MoonCatRescue team works on a volunteer basis, but if additional funding sources were secured, more time and effort could be dedicated to the project.

ENS extensions

The MoonCatRescue ecosystem uses a few Ethereum Name Service (ENS) names as anchors and additional utility within the ecosystem. ENS names do need to be renewed for a fixed cost in order to keep their ownership. But anyone (not just the owner of the name) can pay to renew/extend the name’s time.

To assist the MoonCatRescue project in this way, click one of the above ENS names (which will take you to the ENS web UI) and click the “Extend” button to renew that domain’s time.

Discord Boosts

The MoonCatRescue Discord Server is a great resource for meeting others interested in the MoonCatRescue project, and helping educate newcomers to the NFT ecosystem. In order to keep some of the upgraded perks of that server (most notably, the ability to have a customized invite link), a certain number of “Boosts” need to be maintained. If the community covered those Boosts, that’s more funds that the MoonCatRescue team could allocate to other uses.

Get Some Swag

If you purchase an Accessory for your MoonCat from the Boutique, a portion of the sale goes to the MoonCatRescue team. Additionally, if you purchase an accessory owned by the MoonCatRescue team, all the proceeds go to the MoonCatRescue team to continue building in the space. So, grabbing an Acclimator pad (or two), or a Moon for your MoonCat to pose in front of is a great way to make a contribution and get some stylish swag as well!

Superfluid Sponsorship

The most direct way you can financially help the MoonCatRescue team continue to create great content and grow the MoonCat Ecosystem is donations directly to the team. Lump-sum donations can be sent to team.mooncatrescue.eth (0xdf2E60Af57C411F848B1eA12B10a404d194bce27). While donations of any sort are always appreciated, making your contribution a Superfluid subscription would help us make our finances a bit more predictable. A Superfluid subscription streams your donation over time, allowing you to create a monthly sponsorship that pays out automatically over time. Click the button below to pull up a widget to help you set that up.

The MoonCatRescue Team’s current sponsorship goal is to have enough sponsors to support our two team members at $200/month. That’s a very low payment for the skill and time the team puts in, but it’s a good first benchmark to find sponsors for. You can track the team’s progress on making that cash flow balance in the Superfluid console.

Infrastructure tokens

The MoonCatRescue team creates things with an eye toward permanence and decentralization where possible. There’s a few centralized services that the MoonCat ecosystem projects use to make things more easily accessible to “Web 2.0”-style services, as the Web 3.0 ecosystem continues to grow. In order to more fully decentralize those things, the available infrastructures to do so require some compensation in their own infrastructure tokens. If you’re interested in the MoonCatRescue team pursuing using these more decentralized infrastructure options, giving a donation of those tokens to the main MoonCatRescue LLC address (0xdf2E60Af57C411F848B1eA12B10a404d194bce27) would be a good signal for that, and we’d use those funds to further explore those hosting options.

  • The Graph: Infrastructure to make querying comple blockchain data more simple by creating a GraphQL front-end for it. GRT is their infrastructure token that will be used for querying and indexing of blockchain data.
  • NFTX: As a platform, NFTX provides the means to have liquidity pools for NFTs, and there are two that are related to MoonCats currently (MOONCAT and MCAT17). That infrastructure allows users to stake the pool tokens, as a way to lock those assets in place (ensuring the pool will never sink below that size). If you donate MOONCAT or MCAT17 to the MoonCatRescue team, we’ll hold it long-term (indirectly reducing the supply of available MoonCats, which could spur greater market prices), and profits gleaned from such tokens (staking rewards) could become prizes and rewards for community events in the future.