MoonCat​Rescue ChainStation

MoonCat #12891
MoonCat #19250
MoonCat #4758
MoonCat #24961

The MoonCat​Rescue project brought a collection of colorful, space-dwelling felines to the blockchain to be cute, playful companions, and push the boundaries of what the Ethereum ecosystem and blockchain technologies in general could do.

The project launched in 2017 (before even the term “NFT” was well-defined), and in the intervening years has grown to bring these virtual pets to many parts of the modern Ethereum space (a.k.a. “ChainStation Alpha”)

Adopt a MoonCat

Want a MoonCat right now? Click the button below to adopt a MoonCat right away!

Connect your wallet if you’d like to adopt now for 0.15191 ETH.

This will grab you a random MoonCat from the NFTX pool. If you prefer to pick a specific one yourself, visit that pool’s profile page, or browse across other NFT marketplaces.

MoonCat Merch

Shirts and phone cases and water bottles, oh my! The MoonCat merch store is open; check it out to order your own MoonCat swag and show off your love of lunar felines in the real world.

Product shot of tee-shirt, drinking glass, and water bottle, with MoonCatRescue logo and MoonCats branding
MoonCat #6994
MoonCat #15650
MoonCat #22141
MoonCat #8307

Play With MoonCats!

Have a MoonCat of your own? Have some fun with them around ChainStation Alpha!